What does equity in education mean?
Equity has a variety of meanings and implications in life and it's an important topic in today’s current climate. Equity in education is a goal that everyone needs to get behind, so we use equity as a lens for everything we do and provide at Collaborative Learning Solutions.
While equality in education means treating every student the same, equity means that each child receives what they need to develop to their full academic and social potential. The practice of educational equity is about persistently minding the margins with the purpose of dismantling the beliefs and structures that perpetuate disparities in student outcomes. When we can predict how a student will do because of identity factors (race, gender, language, etc.), we have not addressed equity.
How to approach this topic.
Educational equity requires educators (administrators, teachers, etc.) to understand the unique challenges and barriers faced by individual students or by populations of students and to provide additional support to help them overcome those barriers.
We help schools identify and eliminate predictable outcomes of demographically diverse students (e.g., race, nationality, gender, socio-economic status, English learners, and students with disabilities) within the educational system that are creating barriers by integrating equitable foundations, partnerships, and assurances in a tiered approach to interrupt biased-based rules, regulations, policies, and practices, to thereby yield social transformation.