Managing Our Mental Health

The last few weeks, we’ve been learning about our “mental health”-what it means, what it might look like, and reminding ourselves that it’s ok to not always be ok. Mental health is like physical health. We exercise and eat healthy to take care of our bodies. Our mental health starts with our emotions, so what can we do to make sure we’re keeping our minds and hearts healthy? 

Elementary Lesson

“Lucy’s Blue Day”

Instructions: Watch the video (4 minutes and 39 seconds long) with your students. Listen to the story and have them answer the following questions:

  1. Have you ever had a “blue day” like Lucy? When you felt sad but you didn’t know why?

  2. Draw a picture of yourself on that day.

  3. What did you do to help you feel better?

  4. Lucy talked to a friend who reminded her that it’s ok to be sad sometimes. Do you have a friend that helps you when you’re sad?

  5. Lucy talked to her family too and her parents were glad that she talked to them. Who in your family do you like to talk to about your feelings?

  6. What is some advice you can give to Lucy to help her to feel better?

Secondary Lesson

“A to Z of Coping Strategies”

Instructions: Watch the video (4 minutes and 18 seconds long) with your students and have them answer the following questions:

  1. When you are feeling sad or angry, or when you don’t have good mental health, what are some things you can do to improve how you feel?

  2. Which items on the A to Z list have you tried?

  3. How many would you like to try?

  4. Coping skills are important to help us bounce back when we are struggling, but just like riding a bike, they take practice. Which coping skills would you like to practice?

  5. Who are some people in your life that can support you in your practice?

  6. Create an action plan to start practicing a new (or not used) coping skill.