Mindfulness Settles Us

Today’s focus: Shape Breathing



  • Watch the video
  1. Find a quiet place in your house and practice along with this video.
  2. Notice how you feel now.
  3. Is your heart beating slower?
  4. What other shapes can you use? Imagine following the lines and breathing in and then out (Triangle? Circle, Rectangle).
  5. Try concentrating on a new shape tomorrow or tonight before you go to sleep.


  • Watch the video
  1. Find a quiet place in your house and practice along with this video.
  2. Notice how you feel now.
  3. Is your heart beating slower?
  4. What other shapes can you use? Imagine following the lines and breathing in and then out (Triangle? Circle, Rectangle).
  5. Try concentrating on a new shape tomorrow or tonight before you go to sleep.