Mindfulness Settles Us

Today’s focus: Finger Breathing Strengthens Your Super Powers!



  • Watch the video
  1. Find a comfortable place to sit and watch this video with someone else.
  2. Look at your pointer finger on one hand and know that this wil be your tool today to practice focusing.
  3. Follow the instructions to use your hand to trace your fingers with your pointer.
  4. Think of one thing you really like to do and you want to do it better. Next time you are going to read, skateboard, talk to a new friend, play the piano, practice your dance moves, start by doing the Finger Breathing exercise and see if your performance gets better!
  1. Find a comfortable place to sit and watch this video.
  2. Look at your pointer finger on one hand and know that this will be your tool for today’s mindfulness moment.
  3. Follow the instructions to use your hand to trace your fingers with your pointer. Practice it with the narrator in the video.
  4. Think of one thing you really like to do but you wish you could do it better. Next time yo are going to write an essay, skateboard, play the piano, practice your dance moves, ride your mountain bike, talk to a new friend, play a video game, start by doing the Finger Breathing exercise and see if your performance gets better!