Mindset Matters - Neuroscience - Lesson #2

We hope that the lessons are helpful to you and your children.

Elementary Lesson – Your Fantastic Elastic Brain Read-Along

Please start by sharing this video with your students

Instructions: First, watch the video

  1. After listening to the story, answer the following questions: What happens when you learn something new? According to the story, what are the benefits of making mistakes?
  2. Draw a picture of the benefits of making mistakes.
  3. Bonus: Make a comic strip about learning something new and how mistakes help your brain to grow.

Secondary Lesson – Growth Mindset

Please start by sharing this video with your students

Instructions: First, watch the video

  1. Watch the video and answer the questions below:
  • Think of someone you know with a growth mindset. What is their name?
  • What have they done or accomplished that remind you that they DO have a growth mindset?
  • What do you think got them to this point of success in how they handle challenges?

Join us next week for 5 new SEL lessons on Mindfulness