The What, Why, and How of Anxiety

You might not think so, but anxiety has a positive purpose in your life. Knowing what our brains do, why they act this way, and how we can tame them helps us address anxiety from a place of strength.

Elementary Lesson

Flight, Fight, or Freeze


  1. Watch the video.

  2. Share what you learned about anxiety.

  3. What happens in your body when you get anxious?

  4. Make a list of ways you can calm your brain and body when anxiety wants to take over.

Secondary Lesson

Flight, Fight, or Freeze


  1. Watch the video.

  2. Share how anxiety historically has helped us survive.

  3. Focus on you. What happens in your body when you get anxious?

  4. Pick one strategy to learn, practice, and apply the next time you get anxious.